Thursday, April 17, 2008

Boring Week

Not a lot has been happening in the Rodrick household...just normal everyday and just livin' life....Sorry I haven't written anything in a while(Summer, I think you are the only one that reads my blogs) but just haven't had anything to write about...Riley has been in a mood for 2 weeks now...he thinks he should just get to do anything he wants to do..thinks he shouldn't have to listen to, needless to say...I need NERVE other day he wanted to go outside and I told him when I got through cooking we could he looks at me, turns around and gets his guitar...and says...I bet you'll let me when I play you a song....a 3 year old is trying to bribe me...too funny...I let him play, told him it was great, then said, we can go outside after I get through cooking...he looked at me like what's wrong with, that's all for now...maybe life will get more interesting later...and I'll have better stories....


Summer said...

i'm the only one that loves you!!!! get some nerve pills and i'll split the cost with you!!!!!

Brooke said...

i read your blog too... :(

Mom, Dad, and Riley

Mom, Dad, and Riley

Chris and Riley

Chris and Riley