Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Next Preacher

I truly believe that Riley is either going to be a preacher or a politician......when we go to church , he has to wear his tie and shake everyone's hand....he is involved with every aspect of church...he plays his guitar in the choir, helps take up the offering, helps his sunday school teacher teach the class...esp. when he's the only one there..he told me the other day that Peter was walking on the water with Jesus and then a big fish came and ate him....I told his Sunday School teacher, I hope this isn't what she was teaching him...too here he is in his tie like Brother Ronald, our Pastor.....

1 comment:

Summer said...

sounds like he got his bible stories a little mixed up....that's funny! i know one thing, he'll make one cute preacher.

Mom, Dad, and Riley

Mom, Dad, and Riley

Chris and Riley

Chris and Riley